Profile PictureStock Pickers Academy

Practical guides, real strategies and courses for investing in Stocks, ETFs, REITs and Stock Indices especially in times of market distress. Join mailing list at and follow me on IG @stockpickersacademy My name is Debodun and I am the founder of Stock Pickers Academy, a non-advisory community of beginners and experienced investors coming together as one to leverage each other to create wealth. I have over 12 years institutional experience as a trader at Investment banks like Goldman Sachs and more recently at G-Research, a Quantitative Hedge Fund. At SPA, beginners have information about their respective fields and life experiences, whilst experienced investors have the technical expertise to turn those trends. The community gets to see the ups and downs of his investments and track record. At SPA Debodun provides group courses, where he teaches specific proven strategies, mentoring – for ongoing learning and support, an alerts service and provides a portfolio review service.